The Blogsicle

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Boys are stupid

Really boys are. I mean, what is up with this obsessiveness about physical appearance? This guy I was talking to didn't put his picture because he was afraid of what people would think---actually he doesn't look half bad. But then he's like "I'm a geek". OK, so? "Are you looking for a geek?" Um, I really don't care! Like being a geek is bad? (Duh, I am one.) Whatever, people!

OK, here's the truth:

I'm looking for someone who has a personality, who's honest, who lives their lives openly, who is considerate of others, and who will treat me like a best friend (not as their queen or their Special Object). I don't care if you're a geek, an artist, a librarian, a CEO, an accountant, a vegetarian ... whatever.

And at least in this particular guy's case the clencher was that he had a girlfriend for an extended period of time w/out telling the rest of his friends. OMFG WTH? That's like uncool.

Please note: not all boys are necessarily stupid. I've met quite a number who I think are quite the awesome studmuffins. But, in general, I still think boys are stupid. So there. *pppbpbbbpbpbpttt!*

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Hot means hot, darnit

Mr. Cheese and I went out for dinner at Thai tonight and it was pretty tasty. And he told me that they served hot curry, so we ordered hot duck curry. But, apparently, the kitchen didn't believe us. No, instead they brought out "mild". Like just because he's white like that should mean he couldn't take the heat? (Really, it was almost like reverse racism. And, hm, they didn't have chopsticks at the table either. Hm.)

We lightly mentioned it to the waitress and she promptly took away our curry. About two minutes later a thin older gentleman brought us out a new bowl of duck curry, this time the color was more of a "crimson" than the previous "tangerine". We dug into that and it had a little more zing to it, but it still wasn't "hot". I guess we'll have to train them to really put the kick-ass spice into it!

What a ________ (adj) guy . . .

Oh, dear Diary! I have so much to tell you! Well, there's this guy ... and you know ... I've been _________ing (verb) with him. I met him in a __________ (public location) a couple weeks ago. Since then we've been _________ing (verb) a lot. Sometimes at work, sometimes at night. It's funny because we didn't show each other our _________ (plural noun) at first. But I've seen his __________ (plural noun) and I think they're cute! Tonight we got a chance to ________ (verb) again, but we did it a different way than usual. (As if there was a usual?) Ohmigosh, the ________ (plural noun) were all over the place. Still it was a lot of fun. We talked about how we both love hot _________ (noun), how some people are total wimps too. I think people ought to be more adventurous. I mean there's this place, ____________ (name of store), and apparently they have lots of ____________ (noun) that would make most people sweat! But I guess I'm up for the challenge---he's been there a number of times. So we're both going to __________ (verb) and ___________ (verb). I guess I'm a little afraid, because it really has been a while since I have ________ed (past verb). I hope it's not going to be too oily---somehow my _________ (body part) can't take that much sometimes. Anyways, it'll be an adventure to be sure!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

My Mom, Mrs. MacGyver ... not.

My Mom told me almost a year ago that she was rummaging through the kitchen and found this cute little spice rack stashed away in one of those Dark Corners. It was white and rotated, holding probably a couple dozen small spice bottles on it---it came with those little glass bottles. At the time she brought it up I was in the process of moving houses so I told her maybe she should hang on to it for a while.

OK. So she did.

... time passes ...

A Month Ago: My Mom gave me the spice rack (thank you) and a bag of bottles. But something was amiss... there were no white caps for the bottles. I gave her the Raised Eyebrow. She said that she had misplaced the white caps but she'd continue to look for them. Meanwhile, I'd have to just hang on to the spice rack sans caps.

OK. So I did.

... time passes ...

Present Day: I saw my Mom tonight and she says, "well, hon, I couldn't find the caps I was looking for." I'm thinking, great, now I have a useless spice rack with useless mini bottles. "But," she says, "I thought about it, and I have some other white caps!" I gave her the Eyebrow again. "I have been saving the tops of my medicine bottles and ..." Yes, she decided that her white medicine bottle caps might somehow be repurposed as spice bottle caps.

Well, you have to give her some credit for Creativity and Resourcefulness, right? (And she is Mom, so she gets Mommy credits.)

But of course, I get home with a couple of those white bottle caps and they don't fit. They're the wrong size and the threads wouldn't line up anyways. *sigh* So I put the useless spice rack back in my Dark Corners of my cabinets. Maybe I can do the same to my daughter one day? "Hon, I just found this cute little spice rack but ..."

Oh well, nice try, Mom.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Windows ate my memory :(

Mood: Grrr!!!
Reason: Stupid %!$@# Windows XP!

OK, I was so squeeling with glee when I came home to find my brand spankin' new A-Data 2GB SD flash card sitting in its FedEx box. I ripped it open, gave it a good hug, and popped it into my laptop's SD card reader. And I started copying my music files over to the card while dreams of happily driving along to trance music floated through my head.


Hard stop.

Delayed Write Failed. Windows was unable to save all the data for the file E:\. The data has been lost.

I clicked to check the properties on the card and it said it had 970MB of used space on a 2GB card. OK, so I figured it was a formatting error. So I reformatted it. Once again I hit a 970MB limit. What?! OK, this was getting weird. I deleted every file on the card:

But when I went back to the properties screen I saw:

How can that be? There isn't anything on the card! Now, I'd like to think I know a thing or two about Windows so I tried reformatting to my dismay:

1GB of bad sectors? Puhleeeease...! Now I'm just PO'ed. Google doesn't seem to be turning up anything useful either, sigh. *cry*

(Stupid Windows...)

I did later plug the card back into the PDA and I was able to copy more than 1GB of files using the device explorer... *groans!*

Monday, September 05, 2005

Oh, now I get it

I don't usually get sick, but since the Thursday before last I got quite ill. It started with the usual sniffles so I took Claritin for a couple of days. After that I started hacking and coughing pretty bad. So on Tuesday I finally went to my doctor and he put me on Biaxin XL, a general respiratory antibiotic. Well starting about Thursday I noticed I was developing an upset stomach but couldn't figure out why. And this has been continuing until right now (Monday).

Then it hit me this morning just a few minutes ago.

Wait, I'm on an antibiotic, right? The last time I was on antibiotics they told me to take acidophilus supplements. And the most recent times I can remember having massive stomach troubles were after eating dairy products. Oh!

So, I'm thinking that I have basically disrupted my entire digestional bacteria. I wish I had remembered this a week ago because I wasn't getting much sleep when I was coughing every 5 minutes. And I certainly wasn't getting much sleep again when I was up with an upset stomach. :(

I hope I have a few pills left...

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Turning Japanese ...

I'm just browsing around various people's profiles when *pop!* ... "1 new mail message". I clicked over to it.


To: Amster

Hi cutie ... are you Asian?

Um, like, duh? Isn't it obvious in photo? I swear, guys with a Rice Fetish. I almost felt like replying to him:

Fr: Amster

What do you me--- *looks in mirror* OH MY GAWD! WHAT HAPPENED? I'M ASIAN NOW?! AAAaaa...

*sigh* Another dufus added to the Block list.