The Blogsicle

Sunday, September 11, 2005

My Mom, Mrs. MacGyver ... not.

My Mom told me almost a year ago that she was rummaging through the kitchen and found this cute little spice rack stashed away in one of those Dark Corners. It was white and rotated, holding probably a couple dozen small spice bottles on it---it came with those little glass bottles. At the time she brought it up I was in the process of moving houses so I told her maybe she should hang on to it for a while.

OK. So she did.

... time passes ...

A Month Ago: My Mom gave me the spice rack (thank you) and a bag of bottles. But something was amiss... there were no white caps for the bottles. I gave her the Raised Eyebrow. She said that she had misplaced the white caps but she'd continue to look for them. Meanwhile, I'd have to just hang on to the spice rack sans caps.

OK. So I did.

... time passes ...

Present Day: I saw my Mom tonight and she says, "well, hon, I couldn't find the caps I was looking for." I'm thinking, great, now I have a useless spice rack with useless mini bottles. "But," she says, "I thought about it, and I have some other white caps!" I gave her the Eyebrow again. "I have been saving the tops of my medicine bottles and ..." Yes, she decided that her white medicine bottle caps might somehow be repurposed as spice bottle caps.

Well, you have to give her some credit for Creativity and Resourcefulness, right? (And she is Mom, so she gets Mommy credits.)

But of course, I get home with a couple of those white bottle caps and they don't fit. They're the wrong size and the threads wouldn't line up anyways. *sigh* So I put the useless spice rack back in my Dark Corners of my cabinets. Maybe I can do the same to my daughter one day? "Hon, I just found this cute little spice rack but ..."

Oh well, nice try, Mom.


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