The Blogsicle

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I'd like 97% off, please

Ever notice some small things come in big packages? I got sick a couple days ago so I went down to the nearest drug store to buy some Triaminic---mom's old remedy for the sniffles. Just as I was about to pick up the orange bottle I saw the shiny new Claritin boxes. Well, I had not tried it before and a friend had given a strong recommendation for it. Anyways I picked up this fairly large box (but not their largest) and paid for it at the counter.

Once outside and I tore open the side of the box and started looking for a couple sheets of pills. No, inside was a very small, light foil pouch. Huh? Where's the beef? I thought there had been some mistake so I turned the big cardboard box back over to the front had it says 4, yes 4 whopping tablets. Um, OK, that was a waste of a big box.

Then I proceeded to tear open the foil pouch and out comes this even tinier plastic/foil tray with the advertised 4 tablets...

Side-by-side comparison
Wow. 4 tablets. Whee.

OK, let's take another look at this:

Tech diagram of the box
Honey, who shrunk the product?

Wow. 16 cubic inches down to a measly 0.5 cubic inches. Gee, I'm glad I paid $6.00 for a box of almost all air. (Comments and questions can be directed to 1-800-CLARITIN.)

But, to Claritin's credit, it does seem to be holding the sniffles at bay. I guess they had to somehow justify the $1.50/tablet.


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