The Blogsicle

Sunday, March 26, 2006


OK, phone geeking time.

I am a klutz. I think it stems from me being distracted easily and forgetting I'm holding onto something like, oh, a cell phone? It wasn't until I heard that frightening smack! that I realized I had just dropped it onto the hard floor at GAP. I popped the battery back in (because it had ejected itself some few feet away) and tried to turn it on. The lights flickered to life but the screen did not. This wasn't the first time so I just toggled it on/off again, opened/closed it, etc. After about two minutes I knew this time was a bit more serious than last.
      I finally got home later that evening and played around with the phone some more. I even tried to open it up and see if there was anything obviously missing. I thought about this for a few minutes and then figured that it wasn't worth repairing the phone. So I hopped online and started looking up my options. In the end, the following day I walked away from the phone shop carrying a ...

Motorola SLVR L7

I took this little bad boy home and started playing with it. A friend had a Motorola and so the menu wasn't completely foreign to me. And after figuring out a few quirks (like phonebook entries must be stored on the phone and not the SIM to get the extra media options like voice dialing and custom ringtones) I really started to like it. The iTunes player on it isn't the best, but it works and it's not like I'm looking at the screen all of the time once the music is going. I know it is going to get sooooo scratched. I have a small cellular caddy on a few of my purses, so I'm hoping to use that to hold it. But, yay!, I have a working phone again!

And as an additional geeky bonus, I figured out how to write simple WML pages so I make custom ringtones. Rock on!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006



Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Clap your hands, say Yelp?

So, there's this particular site that I started visiting not too long ago. Ever since moving I've been looking up directories to find out what's near me, and along came Yelp. It's an interesting site because it sort of combines the whole review thing with a more accessible map and chat channels. I'm curious to see how it is going to turn out, whether they can truly handle its rapidly increasing volume, and how they can keep the quality in the reviews up---as in keeping stupid or malicious comments out. I guess that's the challenge with any public commentary website. Anyways check it out! (And, no, I wasn't forced to write this; I just think of it as another good resource to know.)

Monday, March 06, 2006

Snacky Treats

So here I was pulling my little car into my assigned parking spot when ... dammit! ... one of the other tenants was blocking the driveway. I pulled my car to the side and turn it off.

"Are you going to be parking or coming out?", I asked.

Two people were just leaving this guy's car too, and the owner emerged from behind the car. "Oh, I was just showing some people my car. I'm trying to sell it." Oh. "Hey, would you mind if I showed you something?" he added. I shrugged.

He proceeded to show me the fact his little VW Beetle's antenna was hitting against this one low beam that was over his car. "I was wondering if you wanted to try trading spots with me?"

I kinda looked over the parking space, then at him, then back at my car, then back at him. "Um, sure? Let me try parking in the spot to see if it'll work."

So I put the car in the spot and he took mine. I guess it works even though my car is a tad longer than his super-compact. He said he was getting a truck and since my spot is really long that it'd be better for his truck. I told him I thought it would work... And then we got to talking for a while. Mark, he said was his name. He's a pretty cool guy. I was trying to get a glimpse if he was married but he talked with his right hand, not left. He seems pretty fit, maybe 5'10", seems to be early 30s, maybe a little Scottish, and has a slight almost-Brooklyn accent---I didn't ask. But, yeah, hm ... :) He's kinda cute in a rough-hewn way. The words "snacky treats" came to mind, recalling this one talk show where the girl guest was describing the cute guys that would follow her around... Hmm...

Friday, March 03, 2006

Seed Animation...

Totally cute!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Cuuuuuuute :)

Well, I think they're cute. They're mine.