The Blogsicle

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Tryy CIA.LIS tooday 19872

I hate spam e-mail.  Really.  Worse than cauliflower.  And cauliflower is pretty nasty bad.  But I have a pretty effective way of figuring out what is spam and what isn't.  The problem with spammers is that (besides being annoying) is that they have no imagination and the programs they use to mass-mail everyone have quite the limited vocabulary.  So, if you wait long enough the subject lines begin repeating.

I had this one e-mail account that I had pretty much left for dead, but I kept it open just in case some of my old contacts hadn't updated their address books---being the lazy people they are anyways.  I found that if I only checked e-mail about 1x every week I'd end up with about 300 odd messages, 99.9% of them being spam.  But if you sort by header it neatly bunched together all the messages that were probably spam.  Of course, once in a while I'd end up clicking onto a "Subj: Hi!" message only to have it tell me about the latest in making my erection last longer or how this widow needed to entrust some money to me.  However, some people receive some real gems: looking for quality inflatable sheep?


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