The Blogsicle

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Pretty chuffed...!

Tonight was another Amster Original Dinner™. (Also known as the gee-what-do-I-have-in-my-fridge dinner.) And, it came out pretty good, IMNSHO!

I'm thinking to myself this afternoon that I wanted something soft, with rice, and a dab of meat. But then I started feeling icky so I left work early and went home to take a nap. When I got out of bed around 6:30-ish I really didn't want to go out to eat. So I opened the big white door...

Hm, old fruit...that's gotta go. Hey, I have a package of firm tofu. And some leftover Thai red curry... And a leftover onion. The freezer has a bunch of meat, but there's "lap xuong" (Chinese sweet sausage)...

So I started up a pot of rice and put the lap xuong in it to diffuse some of the flavors. Then pulled out the frying pan, sauteéd the onion (cut into chunks) and added a couple pinches of salt. Setting that aside, I braised strips of tofu and as a final touch added a little KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce over it. The Thai curry was revived in the microwave.

The net product is a mound of rice, braised tofu and onion, with cut sausage, graced with Thai curry. And I have to tell you, it's sweet, soft, and rich! Not bad for someone who doesn't know what they're doing, eh?


Speaking of not-knowing-what-I'm-doing-but-it-still-turned-out-good, my Halloween costume finally came together! Yay! To make a very long story short, I wanted to do Alice (from American Mcgee's video game) but I didn't like any of the costumes out there. So, being the engineer that I am ... I made my own Alice costume!

The boots and striped black/white tights and the knife were the easy parts. The dress and smock were altogether a different part. You see, until about a week and half ago, I had never used a sewing machine in my life. But I'm thinking, gee, it couldn't be that hard. Turns out, it isn't but it was a lot of work. I mean, it's not like there's a pattern out there for making this costume---even if there was I wouldn't know exactly how to use it. So in between staff meetings at work I would be drawing out how to do the skirt and the smock and stuff.

The ingredients for this turned out to be mostly from *cough*Walmart*cough!*. (You can tell I'm not a fan of that store, but hey, materials are cheap.) So I got some navy blue drapes (yes, drapes), a couple white flat sheets, a lacy window covering, a white scrubs top, button snaps, and a whole bunch of sewing supplies. (See the pillows-o-crap entry.) With a lot of imagination and a bit of jury-rigging, it all came together. In the end, instead of a dress I did a navy blue skirt and navy blue top because it was easier...

So the final product is a blue "dress" with frilly underskirt, white smock decorated with all sorts of symbols, boots, knife, and some goth makeup.


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