Why I love my company
I've only been here a couple of weeks but I love my company. We're a small startup---small enough we could all fit in a small bus. I guess we're lucky enough to have our own office but even still it isn't the greatest. I mean, check this out:
- The ceilings creak whenever someone walks on the floor above us.
- We've had the power go out and we're all just sitting in the dark.
- After a while the fridge starts making this loud buzzing sound that escalates to the volume of a chainsaw ... until someone goes over and kicks it.
- The VP of Engineering's wall-sized whiteboard has this delicate tether to the wall and it wobbles when you write on it---and it'll probably fall down any moment.
- The main conference room table also wobbles dangerously every time someone leans on it.
- The conference rooms (all 3 of them) have paper thin walls and windows. You have no privacy at all---you can hear the executive officers' voices when they get excited.
- Our method of obtaining "lock permission" on modifying some of our files basically involves walking over to people's cubes and telling them not to make any changes.
- There are two microwaves---the bottom one is missing its glass plate.
- There is a temperature control problem. Even with the windows wide open it is still like 90 degrees indoors.
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